A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.
About me
Publish Python packages to PyPI (pip)
A step-by-step pipeline for uploading and publishing a Python package to PyPI that can be installed with pip
. This pipeline includes the repo structure, py project configuration, building and publishing package.
Strandness of RNA-seq and Transcripts Explained
Two posts by Griffith Lab and by Hong Zheng are already pretty comprehensive in describing the strandness parameters of many tools. Here I make some notes for my own records.
Anaconda getting started
This is an (oversimplified) tutorial on getting started on conda. It works for Linux and macOS. All scripts are in bash.
Tutorial: RNA-seq short variant calling using GATK4
GATK is powerful. However, running it may not be as easy. People, especially bioinformatics beginners are often overwhelmed by its powerfulness and complexity.